The Christmas Story Tells Us God Always Keeps His Promises

The stories we tell ourselves matter. Often the way people behave can give a glimpse into how they see themselves and the world around them. How many people act in a controlling and bullying way to others? Perhaps deep down their story is about believing that they are not good enough. Then there are those who have been let down by badly in life, you can imagine the story they believe about the world. I used to know a woman who told me she couldn’t trust anyone, and so rarely left her home. I think she had convinced herself that the world was unsafe.

As we approach the end of this year why not take the opportunity to re-examine the wonder of the Christmas story. It is easy to become so familiar with the message of the baby born a stable because there was no place at the Inn that we may miss the implications for how we see ourselves and the world.

If you are a person who does not feel valued and good enough there is something for you this Christmas. The good news is that here is a God who takes personal interest in us and our world. God shows this by coming as a baby into the world because of his love. On a personal basis this means God loves you and you are no longer insignificant but important enough to die for. Believing this will change the story you tell yourself, how you feel about yourself, others, and the world at large. I remember my attitude to fellow train commuters was completely transformed when I became a believer. They were no longer obstacles in the way of my getting through the turnstiles at Euston Station but loved by God as I now knew I was.

And for all those who struggle to trust others and feel the world is not safe there is something for you too on December 25th. The Christmas story tells us that God always keeps his promises. We can read in the Bible of the many promises and prophecies fulfilled in the coming of the promised saviour Jesus. So, you can be safe in the knowledge you can trust in God. God doesn’t change his mind or become unreliable like people do. The God of the Bible is the safe pair of hands you have been looking for all your life.

Whatever story you tell yourself and live your life by, remember Christmas has such significance for all who believe. The story of Jesus does not end in the stable, nor at the cross, it continues with him rising and living today. May this Christmas be a very special one for you.


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