The Bereavement Journey
The Bereavement Journey is for anyone who has been bereaved at any time and in any way.
If you have been bereaved and feel you may not have come to terms with your loss, we hope you will benefit from attending The Bereavement Journey.
We realise that grief can be very painful and The Bereavement Journey has been designed to validate every person’s experience and help them feel safe. There is no expectation to say or do anything. Participants make their own decisions about what feels right for them and they do their own grief work. To maximise the benefit, we recommend attendance at all the 6 main sessions and that a trusted person is found to check in with after each session.
The Bereavement Journey is being run nationally in many locations across the UK. It is produced by Ataloss.org. For tha national Bereavement Journey national website see www.thebereavementjourney.org
Bereavement is one of the hardest times of life and without support, grief can be suppressed and lead to further loss or mental health issues.
Run over 6 weeks (with an optional 7th week for those who want to talk about loss & faith), each Session comprises two films, each followed by an opportunity for discussion in a small group, with a break between. There’s extra group time in Sessions 1 & 6 and Session 7 ends with a time of quiet reflection.
Participants are placed in groups of 6-8 and volunteers guide them in exploring their loss, aided by a Manual. A qualified counsellor is appointed to advise when required. The Bereavement Journey is a course that has been run nationally for a number of years. We have run it in Leighton Buzzard and Dunstable several times with very positive feedback.
Our next course runs:
Thursday 23 January 1-3pm
Leighton Buzzard Library
(There is no charge for attending this course)
For further information
Colin Johnson.
via the ‘Contact us’ page - CLICK HERE