“They called me names at school. One day one of them pinned me up against a wall by my throat. Years ago, but it’s still uncomfortable to think about it”.
“I hated that job. My boss kept implying I could be sacked at any time. She singled me out, even called me stupid in front of everyone”.
Two true examples of bullying. Have you been picked on like this? Perhaps at school, at work or even in your family. Being bullied is no joke.
A friend told me how she was tormented at school about her appearance. This left her feeling defective, and not good enough. I had a boss once who made my life difficult and singled me out for criticism whenever he could. This left me feeling anxious and powerless.
If this is happening (has happened) to you, don’t despair! God is always there for you. Why not look to him for his opinion rather than those puffed-up self-important bullies and the lies they tell? You have a choice; believe you are defective or trust the words of Jesus. He said “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me” (John 14v1).
Jesus said that you’re so special that he knows even the number of hairs on you head. Don’t let those who made you feel powerless have the last word. Listen to God speaking through the words he inspired in the Bible. Did you know God has a plan for you and will work all things out for the best if you put him in the driving seat of your life.
Why not join the millions of others who put their hope in the Lord Jesus Christ and his victory over sin and death? This is hope that brings incredible joy and peace.