When times are tough
It was cold but he didn’t notice. Walking along a footpath to the railway bridge as he often did when feelings like this came over him. He asked himself, “how can I keep going?” Till this point he had thought it so important to appear strong, putting on a face. In the past he’d found that being vulnerable and weak meant he was taken advantage of. “Hold it in”, he whispered to himself. “Keep control”. Reaching the railway bridge, he became calmer. Having the vantage point to look down as the trains passed by, could take his mind off his feelings and be in the ‘moment’. Not a happy picture but hopefully this person found the resilience, the inner strength, to carry on.
What about you and me? Where do we find help when things get too much? Perhaps you’re someone who puts a face on when you’re struggling. You smile and say, “I’m fine”, when inside you are breaking. But does this really help? Putting a face on may work in the short term but it can become a habit. A cover story. Showing weakness becomes harder over time and relying on yourself can be exhausting and isolating. We can also put up an emotional wall to stop any incoming criticism, but this will push people away so they cannot get close. Doing this can be like living a double life, living a lie. Those who try to get close may wonder who is the real you. Do you even wonder yourself?
Some of us have less resilience than others. We struggle to spring back and recover from difficulties like others can. Why is this? Well, research shows that being bullied or traumatised as a child and/or losing hope and purpose in later life can affect a person’s emotional fuel tank and ability to manage the ups and downs of life. Counselling helps of course but did you know how important faith is in building us up to be strong in the face of adversity?
When we feel alone, like the walking man above, faith helps. Through prayer and Bible reading, we can experience the presence of God in the person of Jesus.
When we think we must be strong, faith helps. It is exhausting being strong all the time; let Christ carry your burdens.
When we lose perspective on life, faith helps. Belief in God, prayer and Bible reading gives a vantage point to see problems differently.
When we believe in the Christian God- eternal, powerful and loving- we know we are safe. The Bible states that the name (or character) of God is like a “strong tower”; a tower strong enough so any believer running into it will be safe and protected (Proverbs 18:10).